ROME’S GOD OF GODS, Jupiter, was served in temples
called capitolia,from the Latin word meaning “head.” As
we’ve seen, America’s temple of Jupiter was erected on
land that had been known as “Rome” for more than a hundred years
before it was selected by Daniel Carroll’s “federal city”
committee from properties owned by Carroll himself.
Subdividing the federal city, or District of Columbia,
into plats was the task of an artistic Parisian engineer
named Pierre-Charles L’Enfant. According to Dr. James
Walsh in his book American Jesuits, L’Enfant got the job
through the
intercession of his priest, John Carroll.
L’Enfant was a Freemason. He subdivided the city into a
brilliant array of cabalistic symbols and numerics.
Perhaps his best known device is the pattern that is
discerned when a straight line is drawn from the White
House along Connecticut Avenue to Dupont Circle, then
along Massachusetts Avenue to Mount Vernon Square, then
back across K Street to Washington Circle, then up Rhode
Island Avenue to Logan Circle, then along Vermont Avenue
back to the White House. What results is a perfect
pentagram, the Queen of Heaven’s eight-year and-one-day
celestial journey.
But L’Enfant’s pentagram points downward, forming the
shape of Baphomet, the gnostic “absorption into- wisdom”
goat’s-head icon of the Knights Templar. Gnostic
historian Manly Hall says the upside-down pentagram “is
used extensively in black magic” and “always signifies a
perverted power.” The Baphomet imposed upon the federal
city by Pierre-Charles L’Enfant puts the mouth of this
“perverted power” exactly at the White House.
The presence of perverted power is underscored in
L’Enfant’s numbering of Washington’s city blocks. The
600 series of blocks runs in a swath from Q Street North
through the Capitol grounds down to the mouth of James
Creek below V Street South. A l l the numbers between
600 and 699 are assigned to blocks within this swath,
except for the number 666. That number is missing from
the map. It must have been secretly affixed to the only
unnumbered section of blocks in the 600 series. That
section, we find, includes the Capitol grounds that once
were called “Rome.”
Of course, 666 is the “number of the name of the Beast”
mentioned in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. If
America’s temple of Jupiter sits upon the Beast named
666, could it be that the true founding fathers soberly
recognized Congress as “the great whore” of Revelation
Rev 17:1 And there came one of the
seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked
with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto
thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon
many waters:
The Latin historians Ovid, Pliny, and Aurelius Victor
all tell The Congressional Medal of Honor, depicting
Aeneas within a Baphomet, rewards Americans who have
sacrificed most for the Roman ideal. us that the
prehistoric name for Rome was Saturnia, “city of
Saturn.” Saturnia’s original settlers came from the
east, from Babylon. In the Babylonian (or Chaldean)
language, according to Alexander Hislop, Saturnia was
pronounced “Satr” but spelled with only four characters,
Stur. Now, Chaldean, like Hebrew, Greek, and to a
limited extent Latin, had no separate numbering system.
Their numbers were represented by certain characters of
their alphabet. The cabalah derives its power from
mathematical energies conveyed from these languages.
Hislop reported a phenomenon that he said “every Chaldee
scholar knows,” which is that the letters of Stur, Rome’s
earliest name, total 666:
S = 60; T = 400; U = 6; R = 200 := 666
Hislop further reported that Roman numerals consist of
only six letters, D (500), C (100), L (50), X (10), V
(5), and I (1) – we ignore the letter M, signifying
1,000, because it’s a latecomer, having evolved as
shorthand for two D’s. When we total these six letters,
we discover a startling link with the Beast of
Revelation embedded in the very alphanumeric
communication system of the Romans:
D = 500; C = 100; L = 50; X = 10; V = 5; I = 1 := 666
Demonism, black magic, and perverted power formatted
into the streets of the federal city? Well, as Michael
Novak observed, the indispensable task of the founding
fathers was to build a republic designed for sinners.
Not all sinners can be governed with a loving call to
repentance, with reason, logic, patience, understanding,
and forgiveness. Sin develops cunning villains who
steal, rape, destroy, torture, and kill. A republic
designed for sinners must be up to the villainy of its
meanest subject. This is why the great revolutionary
pamphleteer Tom Paine candidly characterized human
government as “a necessary evil.” A government must
necessarily be as evil as the evildoers it’s charged
with regulating or it cannot protect the innocent. This
just stands to reason. Scripture shows the principle as
divinely ordained. Yes, God ordained the evil to rule
the good. But the details of this gracious ordination,
which we’ll be examining presently, are so embarrassing
to the flaunted piety of rulers that they must be
concealed in cabalah.
Soon after completing his master plan for the federal
city, Pierre-Charles L’Enfant became embroiled in a
flagrant dispute with Bishop Carroll’s high-ranking
brother Daniel. The young engineer wanted an avenue to
go where Daniel Carroll intended to build his new manor
house. When Carroll refused to build elsewhere, L’Enfant
ordered the work crew to tear the new house down. Before
any significant damage could be done, however, President
Washington dismissed L’Enfant. The whole affair diverted
attention away from the demonic symbolism in L’Enfant’s
designs while conveniently removing him from public
scrutiny. Again, blown cover as cover. The designs were
executed by his successor,Andrew Ellicott, without
significant alteration.
The formal creation of Jupiter’s American Abode on
Wednesday, September 18, 1793 was a jubilant affair.
President George Washington and Capitol Commissioner
Daniel Carroll departed from the White House, marching
side by side. They led a magnificent parade “with music
playing, drums beating, and spectators
rejoicing in one of the grandest Masonic processions
which perhaps ever was exhibited on the like important
Arriving at the construction site on Lot 666,
Commissioner Carroll presented “Worshipful Master
Washington” a large silver plaque engraved with the
following words:
President Washington then descended into a builder’s
trench prepared for the Capitol’s foundations, laid the
plaque on the ground, and covered it over with the
cornerstone. The cornerstone was a massive rock cut from
Eagle Quarry, a property in Acquia Creek, Virginia,
owned by the family of Daniel Carroll’s nephew, Robert
Then, just as the priests of Jupiter might have blessed
their capitolia two millennia ago three Worshipful
Masters consecrated the stone with corn, wine, and oil.
Washington and the other Masters stepped out of the
trench, and joined the assembled throng to listen to a
patriotic speech. Afterward, said the Gazette,
Reading of the barbeque, I was reminded of the passage
in the Aeneid where Julius Ascanius promised a sacrifice
to Jupiter for favoring his rebellious undertaking: “I
shall bring to thy temple gifts in my own hands, and
place a white bullock at thy altar...” Could it be that
the silver plaque, the corn, the wine, the oil, the
chanting, the roasted ox, and the reverential prayer
were the fulfillment of that promise – a burnt sacrifice
to Jupiter, on the altar of his capitolium, upon land
called Rome, land formally consecrated by Pontifex Maximus(meaning the"highest"of
SUN Worship high priest) to the
protection of the goddess Venus? Historians who believe
the government of the United States was founded by
Christians will certainly disagree. But the ceremony, as
reported in the press, was anything but Christian.
Moreover, the plaque itself reckoned time according to
three systems: (1) the years of independence of the
United States, (2) the years of George Washington’s
administration, and (3) the years of Freemasonry. It
completely ignored the system that reckons time in the
years of Jesus Christ.
Eight years after the sacrifice, Congress met in the
Capitol for the first time. Washington gave the
appearance of a Roman Catholic settlement. The most
imposing houses in the city belonged to Daniel Carroll
and his brother-in-law, secularized Jesuit priest Notley
Young. The city’s mayor was Carroll’s nephew, Robert
Brent, who was also purveying stone for most of the
federal buildings. Over on the west side of town stood
Georgetown College, established by Bishop
John Carroll in 1789. Georgetown quickly became the
foremost incubator of federal policy, foreign and
domestic. It is still administered by the Society of
Seal of the Black
Papacy’s Georgetown University. The Roman eagle
grasps both the world and the cross, State and Roman
Catholic Church, the banner in its beak declaring
“UTRAQUE UNUM,” – “Both together.”
When Pope Pius VII
restored the Society of Jesus in August 1814, former
presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson exchanged
comments. “I do not like the resurrection of the
Jesuits,” wrote Adams
They have a general now in Russia [Tadeusz Brzozowski],
in correspondence with the Jesuits in the United States,
who are more numerous than everybody knows. Shall we not
have swarms of them here, in the shape of printers,
editors, writers, schoolmasters, &c? I have lately
read Pascal’s letters over again [Blaise Pascal’s
Provincial Letters helped bring about the suppression of
the Society], and four volumes of the History of the Jesuits.
If ever any congregation of men could merit eternal perdition on earth and in hell it is this company of Loyola. Our system, however, of religious liberty must afford them an asylum; but if they do not put the purity of our elections to a severe trial, it will be a wonder.
Jefferson’s reply indicates (or
pretends) that he, too, was unaware that America’s
destiny had been shaped by the hands of Rome: “Like you, I disapprove of
the restoration of the Jesuits, which seems to portend
a backward step from light into darkness.”
During the next seventy years, Superior Generals John
Roothaan (1829-1853) and Pieter Jean Beckx (1853-1883)
would pump the Society up to its original greatness,
swelling the membership from a few hundred to more than
thirteen thousand. In those same seventy years, the
Protestants who had fought for America’s independence
would vastly diminish in proportion to the influx of
fresh Roman Catholic refugees from European
tyrannies. (There is evidence these tyrannies were
Jesuit-fed, for the express purpose of populating
America. Perhaps a new scholarship will investigate more
thoroughly than I have time or inclination for.)
As America’s public became increasingly Catholic,
Generals Roothaan and Beckx were able to signify
Washington’s debt to the black papacy with much bolder
iconographic and architectural symbols. This
little-explored material is the subject of our next
chapter "The
Immaculate Conception."
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