Assisting Satan's
and Freemasonry
scientists have substituted mathematics
for experiments, and they wander off through
after equation, and eventually build a structure which has
no relation to reality." Nikola Tesla
National Academy Space Actors |
For do I now persuade men, or God? or
do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men,
I should not be the servant of Christ. But I
certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was
preached of me is not after man. Gal 1:10-11 |
Thomas Africa reveals that Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543 A.D.)
was not a revolutionary discoverer of a new heliocentric
he was rather a restorer of the heliocentric type
of system espoused by Pythagoras of Samos (570-495 B.C.).
Some state that Pythagoras’ system was not purely heliocentric,
but that it was a system where the planets, including the sun,
orbited a central, invisible fire.
Pythagoras’ system was the first system that called for the
planets to travel in a circular orbit, and so he has been
recognized by the early scientists as the true founder of the
heliocentric system. In fact, Johannes Kepler
(1571-1630 A.D.) called Pythagoras the “grandfather of all
Copernicans.” Copernicus, himself, insisted that his system
was not an innovation, but was rather a revival of the lost
doctrine of Pythagoras. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642 A.D.)
viewed the papal edict of 1616 as a suppression of the
“Pythagorean opinion of the mobility of the earth.”
Copernicus also “borrowed” from the theories of Aristarchus of
Samos (310-230 B.C.) that the earth orbited the sun. Copernicus
had no problem acknowledging the contributions of Pythagoras, but
for some reason,
he decided to conceal his knowledge of
Aristarchus’s writings. Thomas Africa revels that“Copernicus
knew of Aristarchus' heliocentrism but consistently concealed this
knowledge, and finally deleted his one passing reference to it,
from either vanity, ‘Pythagorean’ scruples, or both.”
Pythagoras was the first person to have
presented the idea of the circular orbit of spherical planets
around a central fire. He is purported to have added a
counter-earth to arrive at 10 orbiting planets (including the
sun). Jose Wudka alleges that the added counter-earth was
to explain eclipses and because the number 10 was viewed as sacred
by heathen philosophers. Not coincidently, the 10 orbiting
spheres match the 10 spherical sefirot of the Jewish Kabbalistic
god, Ein Sof.
Master Mason Dr. James Anderson, founder of the London Masonic
Lodge, stated in his book, Defence of Masonry, that Freemasonry
descended from Pythagoras. Master Mason William Hutchinson
stated in his book, Spirit of Masonry, that ancient Masonic
records indicate that the foundation of Freemasonry is in
Pythagorean principles. Another Master Mason, William
Preston, in his Illustrations of Masonry, states that Pythagoras
was initiated into the deep mysterious Masonic principles, which
he then spread to the countries in which he traveled. Albert
Mackey, in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry reveals the following
details about Pythagoras and his Masonic connections:
In his return to Europe, he [Pythagorus]
established his celebrated school at Crotona, a Dorian
Colony in the south of Italy, about 529 B.C., much
resembling that subsequently adopted by the Freemasons.
... Before admission to the privileges of this school,
the previous life and character of the candidate were
rigidly scrutinized, and in the preparatory initiation
secrecy was enjoined by an oath, and he was made to
submit to the severest trials of his fortitude and
self-command. ... The mode of living in the school of
Crotona was like that of the modern Communists. |
Jewish Encyclopedia labels some of the Kabbalistic
philosophies as Pythagorean. Both the Pythagorean occultism
and the Kabbalah flowed from Babylonian mysticism. The
Encyclopedia asserts that
Gnosticism was Jewish
in character and is of “Chaldean [i.e., Babylonian]
origin.” That indicates that the Gnosticism finds its
origins from Jews in Babylon.
The Kabbalah is the
written memorialization of the mysticism that was adopted by the
Jews during their Babylonian captivity.
The word “Pythagorean” is an adjective and seems to be used in the
Jewish Encyclopedia to identify the kind of doctrines in the
Kabbalah. They are of the same nature as Pythagorean
doctrines. It certainly cannot mean that the Kabbalah flowed
from Pythagoras, because the Jews were first brought into
captivity in Babylon, in or about 597 B.C., which was
approximately 27 years before Pythagoras was born. The Jews
were released from their Babylonian captivity in or about 538 B.C.
Pythagoras was a Greek. He did not travel to Babylon until in or
about 525 B.C.304 Pythagoras was reportedly held captive there for
5 years. Iamblichus (born in or about 250 A.D.), who was a Syrian
philosopher, writes that Pythagoras “was transported by the
followers of Cambyses as a prisoner of war. Whilst he was
there he gladly associated with the Magoi and was instructed in
their sacred rites and learnt about a very mystical worship of the
He also reached the acme of perfection in
arithmetic and music and the other mathematical sciences taught
by the Babylonians.”
Pythagoras could not have been the source of any of the doctrines
in the Kabbalah. Because by the time Pythagoras came on the
scene, the Jews had already been held captive in Babylon, been
introduced to the Babylonian occult mysteries, and been released
from their captivity. No doubt, there were many Jewish mystics
still in Babylon by the time that Pythagoras arrived. It is
likely that at that time Pythagoras was initiated into the
mysteries of what we know today as the Kabbalah.
Jewish Encyclopedia, by calling some of the
Kabbalistic philosophies Pythagorean seems to be more a homage to
Pythagoras that is used to describe the nature of particular
doctrines found in the Kabbalah. Indeed, when called upon to
identify the source of the mysticism in the Kabbalah, the
Encyclopedia stated unequivocally that
is of Jewish character and is of “Chaldean [i.e.,
Babylonian] origin.”
If you trace up Masonry,
through all its Orders, till you come to the grand
tip-top head Mason of the World, you will
discover that the dread individual and the Chief of
the Society of Jesus (the Superior General of
the Jesuit Order) are one and the same
James Parton
Certainly, there could have been some synergism in the
interactions between the Kabbalistic Jews and Pythagoras, but that
does not erase the truth that in the end the philosophies of both
the Jewish mystics and Pythagoras are rooted in occult
Babylonianism. The fact that the Pythagorean theorem, for
which Pythagoras is famous, was known by the Babylonians a
thousand years before Pythagoras testifies to the Babylonian
origins of his philosophy. S. Pancoast, who was a physician
to the infamous occult theosophist H.P. Blavatsky, states that
Pythagoras was a Kabbalist of the highest order. He further
states that the symbols of Masonry are Kabbalistic, and were known
to Pythagoras.
Pancoast reveals that Pythagoras’ initiation into the secrets of
the Kabbalah led Pythagoras to the heliocentric philosophy.
Pythagoras held that the Sun is the
center of the solar system around which all the planets
revolve;that the stars are Suns like ours, each the
center of a system; that the earth revolves yearly
around the Sun and daily on its axis; that the planets
are inhabited, and that they and the earth are ever
revolving in regular order. |
Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) was a German humanist and political
counselor to the Chancellor of Germany. He was a classics
scholar and an expert in the ancient languages and traditions
(Latin, Greek, and Hebrew). Reuchlin was affiliated with the heads
of the Platonic Academia (della Mirandola and others).
Reuchlin confirmed that Pythagoras obtained his philosophy through
the Jewish Kabbalah:
Pythagoras, who is the father of
philosophy, did nevertheless not receive those teachings
from the Greeks, but rather he received them from the
Jews.Therefore he must be called ‘a Kabbalist,’ ... and
he himself was the first to convert the name‘Kabbalah,’
unknown to the Greeks, in the Greek name
philosophy. Pythagoras’ philosophy emanated from
the infinite sea of the Kabbalah.
Freemasonry can be traced to Pythagoras and is a religion that is
founded upon the Jewish Kabbalah. Pike states in Morals and
Dogma that “Masonry is a search for Light. That leads us
directly back, as you see, to the Kabbalah.” Albert Mackey,
in his authoritative Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, confirms Albert
Pike’s averment. Mackey states that the Kabbalah, being “
mystical philosophy or theosophy of the Jesuits, ... is
intimately connected with the symbolic science of
Upon what authority did Albert Pike rely for writing his
authoritative Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite? Martin L. Wagner conducted an objective
and thorough study of Freemasonry and wrote a book about his
findings titled Freemasonry: An Interpretation. Wagner states that
“Albert Pike drew largely from the writings of Eliphas Levi,the
Abbe Constant, a great Kabbalist, and whom Buck considers as
knowing more of the occult science than any one since the days of
the old initiates, for illuminating and illustrating
Freemasonry.” The Kabbalah is unadulterated
Magic and occult mysticism run throughout
the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah contains a great deal of black
magic and sorcery, and invoking the powers of devils.
The Gentile facade of Freemasonry offers a cover for the
beast(Rome). We can see the same hidden control by the
over the “Christian” Zionist movement.
Freemasonry is
based upon Judaism.
It is a Gentile front for
Freemasonry for mysticism, whose history, grades,
and official appointments, are rooted in
The Jesuits promote and control masonic lodges. They use
those lodges as indispensable secret intelligence agencies and
organs of influence.
A candid investigation convinces us that
Freemasonry is indebted in a very large measure to the
Kabbalah for its philosophical ideas, its methods of
interpreting the scriptures, its doctrines of
emanations, its art speech, its cosmogonical views, and
its veils and glyphs. In a certain sense it is a
continuation of the Kabbalah under a different name and
guise. |
What are the religious doctrines flowing from the Kabbalah that
form the foundation of Freemasonry? It is the worship of
Lucifer. Albert Pike, the theological pontiff of
Freemasonry, explains:
That which we must say to a crowd is—We
worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without
superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors
General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the
Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30thdegrees—The Masonic
Religion should be, by al of us initates of the high
degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian
Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay whose
deeds prove his cruelty, perdify and hatred of man,
barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and
his priests, calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and
unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is
that there is no light without shade, no beauty without
ugliness, no white without black,for the absolute can
only exist as two gods:darkness being necessary to the
statue, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the
doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure
philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the
equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of
Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God
of Darkness and Evil.
Adonay is the Hebrew word used in the Old Testament that is the
name for God and is translated into English in the bible
as“Lord.” Pike blasphemously calls God “the God of Darkness
and Evil.” Pike calls Lucifer, the “God of Good.” Pike admits that
Lucifer is the Masonic god of light. “And no marvel; for Satan
himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2
Corinthians11:14) In his authoritative treatise, that is to this
day the doctrinal bible of Masonry, Morals and Dogma, Pike pays
homage to the god of Freemasonry: “Lucifer, the Light-Bearer!
Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the light, and
with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish
Souls? Doubt it not!” Lucifer’s name in fact means “light
bearer.” The Masonic initiation ceremonies finds the candidate
repeatedly seeking more light.
If the candidate reaches
the highest degree of Freemasonry, he will be informed that the
light he seeks is found in the light bearer, Lucifer, who is
the god of Freemasonry.
Manly P. Hall, 33̊ Freemason and highly respected Masonic
authority, explains that “[w]hen the Mason learns that the key to
the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo
of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft.
The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he
may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly
apply energy.”
Heliocentrism is a fundamental tenet of the Kabbalah.
Consequently, heliocentrism is central to Freemasonry. Many
Masonic lodges throughout the world are named in honor of
Copernicus. The following praise of Copernicus is from
the1843 Freemasons’ Quarterly Review.
Copernicus, and his successors in the
study of the starry firmament, have supplanted the art
of astrology by proving that all the movements of the
heavenly bodies tend to promote the honour and glory of
the Great Architect of the Universe.
The link between heliocentrism and Freemasonry explains the
close affiliation between Freemasonry and NASA. For
example, James Edwin Webb, who was the NASA administrator from
1961-68, was a Freemason. In the November 1969 edition of the
Masonic Magazine, The New Age, there appeared an article written
by 33° Freemason Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, who was the Manager of
the Apollo Program Command and Service Modules;the Deputy Manager
of the Gemini Program; and the Manager of Project Mercury.
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, by the way, is the brother of C. Fred
Kleinknecht, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council
(Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, USA,
Washington. In The New Age article, Kenneth Kleinknecht stated:
Note how many of the astronauts
themselves are Brother Masons: Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.; L.
Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Donn F. Eisle; Walter M. Schirra;
Thomas P. Stafford; Edgar D. Mitchell, and Paul
J.Weitz. Before his tragic death in a flash fire
at Cape Kennedy on January 27, 1967, Virgil I.“Gus”
Grissom was a Mason, too. Astronaut Gordon Cooper,
during his epochal Gemini V space flight in August of
1965, carried with him an official Thirty-third Degree
Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag. Via the lunar plaque,
the Masonic ensignia and flag, and the Masonic
astronauts themselves – Masonry already is in the space
age. Can we doubt Freemasonry and its spiritual
relevance to the modern era when even its material
representatives have today made historic inroads into
the infinite expanses of outer space?
The Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M., has posted the
following explanation on the internet, regarding its chartering of
a Masonic Lodge on the moon, which is titled Tranquility Lodge No.
On July 20, 1969, two American
Astronauts landed on the moon of the planet Earth, in an
area known as Mare Tranquilitatis , or "Sea of
Tranquility". One of those brave men was Brother
Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake
Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas.Brother
Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand
Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother
Aldrinas Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting
unto him full power in the premises to represent the
Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic
Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand
Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The
Moon, and directed that he make due return of his
acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL
DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20,
1969. (emphasis in original) |
Buzz Aldrin was interviewed by Alex
Jones in 2009. During the interview, there was the following
exchange between Alex Jones and Buzz Aldrin:
Jones: “Mr. Aldrin I always wanted to ask you this. We
saw the photos of the little Masonic flag to the moon and some
of the names of the missions and the numerology, is there
anything to that? Or what is the Masonic influence? We know
there’s Masonic influence in the founding of the country; what
is the Masonic influence on NASA?”
“As far as I can tell, zero. There were some Masonic brothers
of mine in Texas that wanted me to take some kind of a Masonic
emblem to the moon, in some gesture of – I don’t know what it
would be a gesture of – but I told them that it was not within
my authority to do such a thing.”
Aldrin is on record with a September 19, 1969, letter he sent
three days after meeting with the heads of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry in the House of the Temple in Washington D.C.,
acknowledging that he presented the very flag he denied carrying
to the moon during the 2009 Alex Jones interview.
was an article in the December 1969 issue of the Masonic
magazine, New Age (the official organ of the Scottish Rite
Southern Jurisdiction), which included a picture of Aldrin
presenting to the Scottish Rite headquarters in Washington,
the “Masonic emblem” which he allegedly carried with him to
the moon and back.
would Aldrin lie about the Masonic connection to NASA?
Because, it would reveal the real power and influence
behind NASA. Pulling on that thread would expose the
hidden agenda. Didn’t Aldrin know that he was on record
as claiming that he carried a Masonic flag to the moon in the
September 19, 1969, letter sent to the heads of the Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry? He certainly knew of the letter and
that the Masonic brotherhood knew of his claimed possession of
a Masonic flag on the moon. So many communications,
however, within Masonry are secret and sealed by blood oaths
that he probably was confused as to which of the many
communications he has had within Masonry were public.
His life is so compartmentalized between his public facade,
which is mostly based upon deception, and his private Masonic
communications, which are for the most part secret, that he
simply could not keep the secret Masonic communications from
the few public Masonic communications straight in his
mind. Without much time to reflect on his answer to
the unexpected question from Alex Jones, Aldrin simply
resorted to his standard operating procedure; he
has been (and probably continues to be) a controlling faction
making up a statistically unlikely plurality of Masonic
astronauts and administrators at NASA. In fact,
Kleinknecht’s list of Masonic astronauts in his New Age
article is by no means complete. For example John Glenn
Jr. (Mercury 6), James Irwin (Apollo 15), and Fred Haise
(Apollo 13), all of whom were Freemasons, are missing from
Keinknecht’s honor roll of astronaut Freemasons.
are very proud of their NASA connection.
Aldrin’s denial of any Masonic connection to NASA suggests
that knowledge of the connection is to be kept within the
Masonic brotherhood. Below is a Masonic medallion struck
in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Apollo 11
alleged moon landings.
The following description of the medallion appears
on the Phoenix Freemason Museum website:
This 1979 medallion was struck to
commemorate the 10th Anniversary of our flags on the
moon. Many people were never aware that Astronaut
and Brother Neil Armstrong carried aboard on his
Apollo flight to the moon 2 (two) flags. One was the
American flag, the other was a flag designed by the
Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite depicting
the double-headed eagle emblem. This flag now
resides in the museum collection of the Scottish
Rite Museum at the House of the Temple. It is a
spectacular three-dimensional medallion and measures
1 3/4 inches in diameter. It was made by the
Medallic Art Co. of Dansbury, CT.
who was a former Science Advisor to CBS News during the Apollo
program, from 1968–1971, alleges in his book, Dark Mission:
The Secret History of NASA, that NASA is
controlled by Freemasons, and from NASA’s beginnings,
it has had an occult underside that has been carefully
concealed from the public. While Hoagland’s
statement is true, Bill Kaysing has good reason to believe
that Hoagland is a shill, working for NASA, who is trying to
divert attention away from the fact that NASA never went to
the moon. From 1956 to 1963, Kaysing was the head of
technical publications for the entire propulsion laboratory at
Rocketdyne, which was a research facility for the development
of large liquid propellent rocket engines. Rocketdyne was a
division of North American Aviation and later of Rockwell
International, which built the Saturn V rockets used in the
NASA Apollo Missions. While at Rocketdyne, Kaysing had top
secret clearance, which gave him access to documents
pertaining to the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs.
Kaysing became convinced by what he saw at Rocketdyne and
subsequent research that the Apollo moon landings were a
complete hoax. He set forth his evidence in a book, first
published in 1976, titled: We Never Went to the Moon:
America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle.
seems to be merit to Kaysing’s allegation about Hoagland.
Hoagland has made an effort to spin the evidence of the
clearly faked NASA photos and videos, not as proof that the
moon landings never took place, but rather as proof that NASA
is concealing the existence of space aliens. In the
intelligence community, that is called a limited hangout,
where a part of a conspiracy is seemingly exposed by a shill,
in order to spin the people in a direction away from the truth
and provide some plausible, but less nefarious, explanation
for the government deception.
that only some of the moon photos and videos are faked. He
advocates a position that NASA went to the moon, and NASA
doctored only some of the photographs to hide evidence of
intelligent life. In a radio interview, Hoagland stated:
I’ll give
you my bottom line. I think that there is an enormous
Apollo conspiracy, but I think we’ve been sold the
wrong conspiracy, to keep people like you, bright guys
who are asking good questions, looking in the wrong
direction, which these people are task masters at
doing. The real conspiracy is not did we go to the
moon, but what did we find on the moon that they don’t
want you to know. .... I have found areas where NASA
faked the imagery, I believe to hide really cool
stuff.” |
Hoagland uses hyperbole and inaccurate information. One way the
intelligence community discredits opposition to its programs is
to expose inaccuracies that have been sown by its own shills.
Care should be taken to verify the facts. That is why this
author has provided end notes establishing the authority for
virtually every fact in this book.
some evidence that is true (the occult Masonic influence in
NASA and the fake photos and videos) but then spins
their significance away from hoaxed moon landings and toward
space aliens. That serves to discredit the
information about the occult practices and the fake photos and
thus causes many people to dismiss any thought that the
moon landings were fake. For other people, Hoagland’s
theory of NASA fabricating videos and photos in order to
conceal life on other planets gives some plausible, less
nefarious, explanation for the NASA deception and serves to
steer those people away from the fact that NASA did not go to
the moon. The purpose for NASA’s existence is to conceal the
flat earth in order to condition people to believe the Satanic
lie of a spinning orbiting earth where man is an insignificant
part of an infinite, godless universe. Hoagland furthers that
Most who have exposed the fraud of NASA
seem to give little thought to motive behind faking the moon
landings. Some ascribe the motive to distraction from the
Vietnam War, others to cold war prestige, but the motive most
often ascribed to NASA is money. Certainly, NASA
swindled multi-billions of dollars from the U.S.
taxpayer. The money swindled was certainly profitable
for those behind the moon landing hoax conspiracy. The real
objective was not to gain a short term profit, but to grow the
love of money in the hearts of men as a way to control and
enslave the world. “The love of money is the root of all
evil.” 1 Timothy 6:10 The love for money must be made to grow,
and that is the motive behind the moon landing hoax. In order
for the root of evil to grow deep into the soil, that soil
must be tilled by the lie that there is no God. In order to
grow the love for money in men’s hearts, men must be convinced
that there are no eternal consequences for lying, cheating,
and stealing to get money. That requires that men believe that
there is no God who can mete out any punishment for sin. That
in turn necessitates that man be kept ignorant that he is made
by God, in God’s image, on the flat earth, which is at the
center of his creation.
The moon mission serves to beguile
men into believing in a godless, endless universe, where man
is on an insignificant spherical planet careening through
The key to understanding the moon landing hoax is to realize
that it is not scientific deception, it is spiritual
deception. Symbolism is important in
witchcraft. The NASA logo includes the forked tongue of
a serpent to symbolize that it is under the control of the
great serpent, Satan. “And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels
were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9.
It is significant that the NASA moon missions were named
Apollo. Apollo is the Greek sun god. Apollo is often depicted
riding a horse drawn chariot with the sun shining behind him.
Notice in the Apollo XIII emblem, Apollo
himself is not
seen. The depiction seems to be of the horses coming from
earth; however, there is no chariot. In view of the missing
chariot, the horses could be interpreted as drawing the earth
behind it, which suggests that the earth itself is the chariot
of Apollo. Satan is described in the bible as “the god of this
world” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4), who blinds the minds of the lost
to the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Apollo is the same Apollyon referenced in Revelations as the
angel of the bottomless pit. “And they had a king over them,
which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his
name Apollyon.” (Revelation 9:11) The Edinburgh Encyclopedia
On this passage, Hensius makes the
following observation: There can be no doubt that
the Pythian Apollo is the same as the Ob and Abaddon
of the Hebrews which the Greeks translated literally
as Apollyon.
In Wakeman Ryno's Amen: The God of the Amonians Or a Key to
the Mansions in Heaven, he states that the reference to
Apollyon in Revelation 9:11 is a reference to Apollo, who is
Satan. “Satan, Belial, Lucifer, Abaddon, and Apollyon are all
one and the same — the Sun (Apollo) in the Sign of the
Scorpion, the king of the bottomless pit.” (parenthetical in
original). The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, so it is not
surprising that Masonic influenced NASA would name its moon
missions after the Masonic god, Apollo (Lucifer). The NASA
Apollo missions were central to conditioning the world into
believing the lie of a spinning spherical Earth, orbiting the
Texe Marrs summarizes the Masonic beginnings and the Satanic
aims of NASA:
NASA's space program has from the
start been founded on the principles of Masonic
alchemy and the magic of the mystery religions of the
ancients. The prophet Daniel told us that the last
day's world ruler, the antichrist king, would be
mighty, "And through his policy also he shall cause
craft to prosper..." Craft, as in witchcraft! ...
The earliest beginnings of the U.S. space program
involved the secretive OSS/CIA project, Operation
Paperclip, in which Nazi rocket scientists like
Werner Von Braun were brought from war-torn Germany
to America and given responsibility for development
of space vehicles. The Freemasons were then put in
charge of the newly created space agency, and magic
and witchcraft were integrated and wedded with the
newest advances in technology. ... Virtually
everything that NASA does is permeated with magic
and alchemy. Moreover, the real purpose of NASA is
contained in another matrix, hidden from the public
at large. This process involves the creation of
Satanic ritual magic enabling the Illuminati elite
to acquire and accumulate power even as the
mind-controlled and manipulated masses are pushed
into ever increasing states of altered
consciousness. |
Freemasonry is the child of the Jewish Kabbalah.
Freemasonry, at the highest levels,
is under Jesuit
which means that NASA is ultimately under
Freemasory control. In witchcraft there are double
meanings to acronyms and words. NASA is of course an
acronym for the National Aeronautics and Space
Nasa is also a
word that means
to lift up, to carry
off, or to exalt oneself.
The Hebrew word
Nasa additionally means to cause to
bear iniquity. The
Freemasory influence
well hidden. There are,
however, indications of Zionist influence within NASA.
One example is the Columbia Shuttle Mission
emblem. The Space Shuttle Mission
STS-107 was a
disastrous mission, during which the Columbia Shuttle was
destroyed when it allegedly reentered the atmosphere on
February 1, 2003. It is the proper protocol for a
commemorative emblem to display the flag of the host country
along with the flag of a guest astronaut’s country. The
Columbia Shuttle Mission
STS-107 emblem was notable
for its glaring breach of proper protocol, in that it
displayed only the flag of the guest astronaut’s country,
without displaying the flag of the host country, which was the
United States. What country was the guest astronaut
from? He was from Israel.
The presence of the
flag of Israel on the Columbia Shuttle Mission STS-107
emblem, without also including the flag of the United
States, was intended as a not so- subtle symbol of
Israeli hegemony over NASA and the United States
For more
information on the duplicity of Israel, read this author’s
9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic.
NASA and the Israel Space Agency (
ISA), for a
long time, have had a very close working relationship. For
example, in 1986,
NASA and
ISA entered into a
formal agreement to share technology. That agreement is
the means by which massive amounts of highly sensitive
technology, developed by
NASA at taxpayer expense, is
handed over to Israel. Interestingly, the American-Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise revealed that in “October 1999,
Ben-Gurion University researchers joined an international
project to map the earth sponsored by
NASA, the German
space agency
DARA and the Italian Space Agency
Certainly, that earth mapping project is all part of the
international effort to conceal the flat earth. The alleged
Curiosity Rover mission to Mars in November 2011, is claimed
by Israel to have included an Israeli-manufactured
Israel is interested in obtaining technology from
and NASA is all too obliging. That explains, for
example, Israel’s hosting of the 2015 International
Astronautical Conference (IAC), which was held in
Jerusalem. At that conference, Israel announced yet
another partnership between the Israel Space Agency
NASA, which involves “joint missions, personnel
and scientific data exchanges, ground-based research
The technology sharing agreements with the U.S. are on their
face bilateral, but in fact are one-sided.
Make no
mistake about it, Israel has advanced technology, but it
has very little to share with the U.S.
Virtually all of Israel’s technology has been given to it by
or stolen from another country, usually the U.S. Israel,
however, does share technology obtained from the U.S. with
other like minded countries. There has been a long,
albeit secret, history of mutual cooperation between communist
China and Israel in the development of nuclear and other
military weapons. In fact, Israel has been cited as one of the
primary conduits for the flow of U.S. and other western
technologies to communist China. No one who is a
patriotic American would ever enter into the one-sided
technology sharing agreements with Israel.
one-sided agreements were ratified by NASA officials, because
Israel controls NASA. Masonic officials at NASA
simply go along with whatever Israel wants.
ISA is not truly a space agency; it is an intelligence agency,
whose purpose is to obtain as much U.S. technology as it can
get. The technology sharing agreements between the NASA and
ISA are in reality technology hand-over agreements, where U.S.
advanced technology is delivered to Israel.
For a more
complete explanation of Israel’s hegemony over the U.S.
Government, read this author’s book,
Bloody Zion.
on the left: ODD TV Quote: I
gathered all the movies, TV shows, etc that I possibly could
that rub the moon landing hoax in our face constantly.
It's called putting the truth in plain sight. A common
practice among the Illuminati/ elite/ Freemasons/ Jesuits/
. I've found over 30 instances of the fake moon
landing being shown or talked about in pop culture. It's
called PROGRAMMING for a reason.
Video on the right: ODD TV Quote:
NASA Fails over and over again. Yet, somehow they are still a
thing in 2018. Just do a YouTube search for NASA Fails or NASA
Bloopers and spend a whole day or more watching NASA fumble.
From obvious green screens, wire harnesses and space bubbles
to permed hair, software glitches and inconsistencies in
stories, the International Space Station is clearly being
faked by the space programs of the world. It's so bad that all
they really have left is brainwashing and mental conditioning
through media programming and propaganda. It's really sad.
It's time to put NASA to bed. Outer space doesn't exist in the
capacity that we are told and the earth is level and
stationary plane. NASA lies. Do your research. -
ODD TV Click
If you make people think they are
thinking, they will love you; if you make them think, they
will hate you.
When they lower the hook to fight, don't bite!!!!